What is Emergency Service?

Emergency service is a health unit established in hospitals and other health institutions to serve patients requiring urgent medical assistance. Emergency services operate by being divided into various units according to the patient’s complaint and the urgency of the health condition. Following the increase in the density in emergency services, this unit started to provide service by being divided into 3 groups. These groups are classified according to the symptoms the patient has and are classified as follows:

Red area: This group primarily concerns emergency patients. The red field unit deals with cases of life-threatening serious injury or serious illness. Patients included in the red area are in the class that requires the most emergency. Medical interventions for people with problems such as heart attack symptoms, serious respiratory problems, sharp object injuries and multiple trauma are carried out in the red area unit. Additionally, patients brought to the emergency room by ambulance are also included in this group.

Yellow area: An accident, trauma, etc. that the person has experienced. The yellow field unit provides service for medical intervention in case of diseases that pose a risk of permanent damage to the body as a result. Patients directed to the yellow area may wait for a while before intervention.

Green area: The green area unit provides service in cases of minor injury and illness. The health status of patients in the green area is less urgent than that of patients in the yellow and red areas. For this reason, patients in this group may wait for a long time, especially in crowded hospitals.

After the triage process (the system for determining medical intervention priorities in emergency services) is completed, patients must be treated in the relevant unit as explained above.


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Dr. Özgür Bayar

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Emergency services are dynamic places where tragic events as well as funny events frequently occur. Following my graduation from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, I worked as...
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