Approach to fluid electrolyte disorders in the Emergency Department Cellular cation K: 150, Mg: 40 mEq/L; Cellular anion P: 120 mEq/L Extracellular cation Na: 142, Cl: 104 mEq/L; Extracellular anion HCO3: 30 mEq/L SERUM OSMOLALITY: (2 x Na) + (glucose/18) + (BUN/2.8) The reason for multiplying Na by two is that the total of Cl and HCO3 is approximately equal to Na. Normal serum osmolality is between 275-295. Volume loss triggers two mechanisms: Activation of the pituitary region; ADH increases,...
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Emergency services are dynamic places where tragic events as well as funny events frequently occur. Following my graduation from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, I worked as an Emergency Medicine Specialist assistant in my hometown, Trabzon, between 1999 and 2004, and I experienced many funny events during the five-year period. Before I begin to narrate the events, let me share a story that will help you better understand the character of the people in Trabzon. My friend, who arrived in Tr...
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