SIK KARŞILAŞILAN BİR OMUZ AĞRISI NEDENİ: ROTATOR KUF HASTALIĞI It is the most common cause of shoulder pain in people over the age of thirty. Rotator cuff disease causes dull pain on the upper, front and outer surface of the shoulder. This pain characteristically increases with lying down at night and with shoulder movements. The likelihood of its occurrence increases with age, and pain and limitation may occur even in basic activities such as combing hair, moving your hand behind y...
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Prof. Dr. Belma Füsun Köseoğlu Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine TOBB University of Economics and Technology COMMON CAUSE OF ELBOW PAIN: TENNIS ELBOW (LATERAL EPICONDYLITIS) Lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow is one of the most common painful conditions of the elbow, characterized by pain on the outer surface of the elbow, tenderness to touch, and sometimes weakness in the forearm. Patients typically complain of pain radiating from the outer side of th...
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Prof. Dr. Belma Füsun Köseoğlu Faculty of Medicine, TOBB University of Economics and Technology Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) is the most common chronic joint disease worldwide, lasting for more than three months. Affecting one or more joints, this disease diminishes the quality of life by causing pain, restricted movement, and disability. The most commonly affected joints are hands, knees, hips, and spine. The point where two b...
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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation primarily deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of diseases, injuries, and pains related to the musculoskeletal system (bones, cartilage, skeletal muscles, ligaments, joints, and nervous tissue). Additionally, it focuses on providing rehabilitation for individuals with disabilities who have impairments related to diseases of other systems. The goal is to maximize their existing capacities, reduce dependencies, and improve their quality of li...
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