Internal Medicine, which is the department that diagnoses and treats internal organ problems in patients over the age of 15, carries out important studies on how to prevent diseases as well as early diagnosis of diseases. It has functions such as preventive medicine studies, raising the patient’s awareness about possible complaints, the stages to be experienced in the treatment process of existing diseases and, if necessary, referral to different units.

Objective evaluation and treatment of the patient is the basic principle of the Internal Medicine department. Department of Internal Medicine, diabetes, blood pressure, liver diseases, kidney diseases, blood diseases, digestive system problems (such as gastritis, ulcers, functional bowel disorders – diarrhea and constipation), anemia, diseases related to vitamin and mineral deficiency, osteoporosis, It is the first department to be consulted for problems such as infectious diseases, respiratory system disorders, hormonal diseases and obesity. In addition, clinical nutrition, which deals with nutrition in geriatrics (elderly health), diseases that cannot be diagnosed, and chronic diseases, also falls within the field of internal medicine specialist.

Necessary analysis, tests and examinations are performed in line with detailed physical examination and patient history, and the most appropriate treatment plan is drawn for the patient thanks to the necessary evaluations and holistic approaches.

An internal medicine specialist directs the diagnosed patient to the relevant surgical branches in cases where surgical treatment is required. The internal medicine doctor prescribes tests based on the patients’ condition, general health and wellness goals.


Prof. Dr. Hamide Kart Köseoğlu

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