Genel patoloji ve özel (sistemik) patoloji olarak ikiye ayrılır. General pathology deals with abnormal stimuli in cells and tissues that underlie all diseases. Systemic pathology, on the other hand, investigates the specific responses of defined stimuli on specific organs and tissues.

In the pathology laboratory; Cervicovaginal smear, fine needle aspirations taken under US or CT guidance if necessary, tru-cut biopsies, small biopsies, excisional biopsies and examination of operation materials are performed in detail. In cervicovaginal smear examination; liquid-based smear technique is used.

In the examination of biopsy and operation materials; Especially in tumor cases, if necessary, advanced staining studies such as histochemical and immunohistochemical studies are recommended for our patients.

Moreover; If our surgeons request, intraoperatively, for 15-30 minutes during the surgery. A frozen section study can be performed to make a diagnosis.


Prof. Dr. Ömer Günhan

Randevu Oluştur C V Turk...
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Specialist Dr. Fatma Dedeoğlu

Randevu Oluştur Speciali...
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Specialist Dr. Çiğdem Sercan

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