Accompanying Policy

Our hospital has adopted the following policy for the safety and health of both caregivers and patients:

  1. Number of Escorts: Each patient may accommodate a maximum of one companion. Acceptance of companions in intensive care units, neonatal intensive care units, and emergency services will be determined in detail. Companions should refrain from speaking loudly in patient rooms and service corridors.
  2. Visitor Hours: Visitor hours are posted at each nurse station on every floor and on our website. Outside of visiting hours, companions can only be admitted in case of emergency.
  3. Age Limit: It is strictly forbidden for companions under the age of 12 to enter the hospital outside of visiting hours.
  4. Health and Hygiene: All companions must wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer before visiting the hospital. Additionally, companions with fever, cough, or other respiratory symptoms are not allowed to enter the hospital.
  5. Visitor Registration: Companions are required to register during their hospital visit. This registration includes the companion’s first name, last name, phone number, relationship to the patient, and reason for visitation.
  6. Food and Beverage: Companions can bring food and drinks during the hospital visit; however, if the patient has specific dietary requirements, they should inform the nurses.
  7. Traceability: All companions will be recorded by the security personnel at the hospital entrance, and access to different sections of the hospital will be allowed during visiting hours.
  8. Communication: No information regarding the patients’ health condition will be shared during the visitation. Such information should be shared privately with the doctors by the patient and their family members.
  9. Emergency Procedures: Our hospital has established emergency procedures to ensure the safety of companions in case of a potential emergency. These procedures will be communicated to the companions.